
Your first steps

Starting with a new system can be challenging, but we're here to help you every step of the way. This guide will take you through the basics, from the start page and top menu icons to navigating the site structure of your site.

Microsoft Edge

When working in AEM on Cloud, it is important to use Microsoft Edge to ensure that the SSO login functionality works correctly. Edge provides the necessary support for seamless single sign-on integration within the AEM environment.

Mircrosoft Edge Logo

Start page

When logging into AEM Cloud, this is the interface you'll encounter:

Start page AEM Cloud
Cloud Manager

Navigating to the Start Page from Cloud Manager

If you find yourself in Cloud Manager and want to proceed to the AEM Environment where you can access Sites, Assets, Experience Fragments and Content Fragment, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the three dots to the right of the information icon under My Programs.
  2. Select Environment > swedbank-prod and choose Author Service.